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The Quarantined Queen
Day 1. Banish Negativity to the Dungeon
Video Day 1 - Banish Negativity to the Dungeon (19:35)
Why the Quarantined Queen? (19:35)
Ways to improve your mood by banishing negativity to the dungeon.
Let Your Family Know
Limit your intake of negative news
Limit your intake of negative television or movies
Increase your intake of positivity
Practice coaxing your negative thoughts to sunny side of the street.
Assignment 1 - Soft Evening Landing
Assignment 2 - Morning Launch
Freebie for You - Grateful Queen Coloring Page
Day 2. ReFocus on #1 Goal for Your Kingdom
Video Day 2 Refocus on your #1 Goal for Your Kingdom (16:21)
Motivating Mission Video (18:23)
Assignment - Day 2
Freebie Coloring Page
Day 3: Planning Your Royal Agenda
Video A Day 3 (11:07)
Video B Day 3 (2:39)
Priority Matrix
Assignment Day 3
Day 4. Connect with Fellow Royals
Video Day 4 (6:26)
Assignment Day 4
Freebie - Printable Kindness Postcards
Day 5: Reward Yourself & Your Kingdom
Video Day 5 (8:14)
Assignment Day 5
Day 6: Caring for the Queen
Video Day 6 (11:47)
Assignment Day 6
Day 7: Happy in Your Castle
Video Day 7 (10:58)
Goodies, Freebies, and Fun Stuff
Trello Board for Quarantine Queen
Assignment Day 4
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